My bathroom is fairly small, so I have the hallway door open to the kitchen where Diego’s pee pad is, to not feel as claustrophobic and to allow moisture to dissipate into the rest of the house. I glance over at his pad and notice he did not go to the bathroom all night because the pad was clean and dry. I grab a Q-tip, glance back to the pee pad, and notice that it is soaked with water! It was dry no more than 15 seconds earlier. I walk over to the hallway door looking for the source of the water; touch the curtain on the far left side of the tub and it is dry as bone. I look at the floor and there is no stream of water coming from the area around the tub connecting it to the giant puddle of water surrounding the pad. What the hell is going on here?
I wake Sommer up and tell her, “We have a problem. There is a ton of water on the floor and I can’t figure out where it came from”, as I survey the ceiling.
“Really?” she says. “I came home last night after leaving for the store and there was a strange puddle on the floor in the kitchen. I thought that it came from the refrigerator, but it was no where near it. I thought it might be Diego pee, but when I cleaned it up it was just water”.
Very spooky, isn’t it? Look at my rudimentary illustration. You will notice the location of the mysterious water puddles and where the bathmat and pad were saturated with water.
All my love,
I am pretty sure the bathroom puddles were caused by condensation. The warm wet air from the shower hit the cold surfaces of the toilet and flowed downward into the puddle that spread toward the shower.
Warm wet air flowed out into the cooler air in the hallway, drifted downward, as cool air does, and the pee pad absorbantly drew it out of the air. This occurred so rapidly that the pad could not immediately absorb all of the water that was attracted via osmosis and some puddled on the floor.
The puddle in the kitchen is more truly mysterious. The most logical explanation is that Diego drank a lot of water that day, so much so that his urine was relatively clear and oderless. He was demonstrating his displeasure with one of his people coming home and leaving too quickly to give him the full measure of attention to which he feels entitled.
Just found your post (and sorry for intruding on something more than a year old). Did you ever solve this? I have started discovering bizarre water puddles under and around my kitchen table (which, although in the kitchen, is no where near a water source). I'm beginning to wonder if I have a water ghost! Hopefully there is a reasonable explanation (sloped floors and something leaking?). Just wanted to see if you had ever solved this. Thanks.
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